Enchanting visit to the Cambridge Botanic Garden. Picture taken by Jakob Poffley By Ravaka Ralandisoa, Stepping beyond my homeland for the first time, my UK journey has been an exhilarating odyssey! From Bangor’s beauty to the University of Cambridge, this experience...
by Manoa Rajaonarivelo As part of the reform of the national policy on social and environmental framework management in protected areas, the MiRARI project has provided technical support to the establishment of the community management agreement – a...
By Sanda A. Rakotomalala After three fruitful years of collaboration, we are now in the final stages of supporting the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD) in the reform of the Cadre de Gestion Environnementale et Sociale (CGES, Environmental...
By Mirindra Rakotoarisoa, MIRARI and Bangor University recently returned to Madriromirafy and Itremo Massif to continue their work on the Community Management Agreement (CGC). Following up on their previous July fieldwork, this expedition focused on deepening...
Sarobidy Rakotonarivo e-mail : sarobidy.rakotonarivo@gmail.com CV Dr Sarobidy Rakotonarivo Google scholar Leader of the ‘MITSILO’ lab I elected to come back to my home country Madagascar late 2019 after 11 years of studying and working overseas (mostly in the...