Our people
Sarobidy Rakotonarivo
I elected to come back to my home country Madagascar late 2019 after 11 years of studying and working overseas (mostly in the UK).
Lead the design and piloting of the community management agreement (a formal agreement between protected area managers and local communities, fundamental to co-managed protected areas)
Lead the ongoing support for the reform of Madagascar’s national PA safeguard policies led by the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development
Mirindra Sitraka Rakotoarisoa
Lead the establishment of a database of evidence on social safeguards by collating evidence on what works best to ensure that local people affected by PAs share equitably in the benefits generated by them.
Eddy Josephson Randriamihary Fetra Sarobidy
Overcoming information deficiencies and credit constraints to the adoption of climate-resilient agriculture (CRA) : Fetra uses a randomized controlled trial to evaluate the Impacts of information and credit transfer on socio-economic (welfare and income) and environmental outcomes (CRA adoption).
Ralandisoa Malalaniaina Ravaka
Socio-economics, behavioral economics, biodiversity conservation, experimental games, social equity, village savings and loans associations
Laura Fehizoro Rafanomezantsoa
Study forest-edge communities perceptions of the enablers and obstacles to the adoption of climate-smart agriculture (CSA)
RAKOTO HARISON Henintsoa Harris
Analyse the compounding impacts of COVID-19, cyclone and vanilla price collapse on food security and natural resource use in rural Madagascar.
Heriniaina Olivier RADOSY
Use advanced modeling and state-of-the-art remote sensing and spatial analysis techniques to measure multiple risks linked to climate change (e.g. the incidence of cyclones, floods and droughts)
Mirado Théophile Jean Félicien RAKOTONIRINA
Mirado is responsible for keeping the project accounts, secretarial work and managing project office supplies, assisting with the logistics of workshop and meeting planning and implementation.
Karen dedicates herself to agroeconomics and finance, with a focus on project management. Her commitment involves addressing the social needs of vulnerable rural populations, contributing to the development of Madagascar
Nancy Rabenantoandro
Interest in forest landscape restoration drives the exploration of the relationships between ecosystems and human communities.