Growing with FarmCard: An inspiring journey to South Africa

Growing with FarmCard: An inspiring journey to South Africa

By Ravaka Ralandisoa,    July is almost over, yet the memories of my South African adventure a month ago still resonate within me. This year has been full of first-time experiences for me. The more I learn, the more there is to discover. Traveling alone has...
Training of trainers in climate-smart agricultural techniques

Training of trainers in climate-smart agricultural techniques

By Mialy Karen Rasolomanana, Madagascar’s natural forests are being cleared for farming, and this increases forest loss and famer vulnerability to the negative impacts of climate change. The continued reliance on low-input farming practices, such as swidden...
Monitoring visit by a team from the African Academy of Sciences

Monitoring visit by a team from the African Academy of Sciences

By Sarobidy Rakotonarivo, Last week (November 2023), my team and I had the pleasure of hosting a team from the African Academy of Sciences as part of their visit to monitor the ARISE pilot program. They saw first-hand degraded farmland soils in eastern Madagascar due...