OUR projects


Our projects cover several areas into the science, strategy and policy of environmental conservation and management, from implementing a randomized control trial in order to evaluate the impacts of knowledge and credit transfer on the adoption of climate-smart agriculture by forest dwellers, to studying the linkages between migration, climate change and environmental changes, and engaging with conservation practitioners and policy makers to catalyse change. Here are some of our current projects.

Period : July 2022 – June 2027

An experimental approach to optimizing policy for scaling-up climate smart agriculture in Madagascar

HOPE: Harnessing OPportunities for Experimentation in environmental policy

Funders: European Union (Grant no. DCI-PANAF/2020/420-028), through the African Research Initiative for Scientific Excellence (ARISE), pilot programme. ARISE is implemented by the African Academy of Sciences with support from the European Commission and the African Union Commission.

Period: April 2022- March 2024

Strengthening managers’ and local communities’ capacity for more resilient conservation

(Mitantana ara-drariny – MIRARI – or Managing protected areas equitably)

Funders: Darwin Initiative of the Biodiversity Challenge Funds, UK

Period: November 2022- March 2024

Resilient farming systems and biodiversity under future crises in Madagascar

Funders: Partnerships for Enhanced Engagement in Research (PEER) – USAID

Period: September  2023- August 2026

Climate Hazards and Migration in Madagascar: Towards an Integrated Monitoring and Modeling for Mitigation and Adaptation (CHAIN)

Funders: Belmont Forum

Period: May 2024 – April 2026

Considering local demand for more effective restoration in Madagascar (Demand4Restoration)

Funders: Swiss National Science Foundation

Previous projects

Period: January 2020 – March 2022

Forest4Climate&People: Putting local people at the centre of decisions about forest conservation and restoration

Funders: CLARE (the CLimate and REsilience Framework Programme); a UKaid and IDRC programme.

Link : http://forest4climateandpeople.bangor.ac.uk/

Period: October 2016 – December 2019

Resolving conflicts between food security and biodiversity conservation under uncertainty

Funders: European Union
Link : https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/679651