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ORCID record: 0000-0001-8255-4602


Research Associate and project manager of the MIRARI project  

Postdoctoral researcher on the demand4restoration project

Research / Engagement

  • Lead the design and piloting of the community management agreement (a formal agreement between protected area managers and local communities, fundamental to co-managed protected areas) 

  • Contribute to the ongoing support for the reform of Madagascar’s national PA safeguard policies led by the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development

  • Co-deliver the field training workshops on the social issues of forest conservation and restoration.


Governance and policy analysis; and social and economic impact of forest conservation and restoration, biological invasion in landscape restoration, sustainable management of natural resources


  • Postdoctoral research (2023) – Invasive exotic trees as climate change measures in the Tropics: Case study of Madagascar. FGSE – University of Lausanne, Switzerland

  • PhD in Natural Resource Management (2017-2022) – Tree invasion by Pinus kesiya in the Tapia endemic forest in Arivonimamo: ecological and socio-economic analysis – Ecole Doctorale Gestion des Ressources Naturelles et Développement, University of Antananarivo under the Forests and Biodiversity partnership scheme (CIRAD and FOFIFA) & PBVMT – Reunion Island University

  • Msc degree in Forestry and Environment at the the École Supérieure des Sciences Agronomiques (2015) – Impact evaluation of conservation and development projects in the Mandraka forest station, Alaotra Mangoro Region, Madagascar. ESSA-Forêts