
Welcome to the ‘MITSILO’ research lab

The Mitsilo lab is a research group working on applied conservation and development research, and is based in Madagascar.


Mitsilo or Lighting the way

Mitsilo is the Malagasy verb for “light the way” and as its name conveys, aims to use the best available scientific and experiential evidence to guide policy.


Equitable conservation and restoration

Our philosophy is to create impact-driven research that puts local communities at the heart of environmental programs and policies.


Social and interdisciplinary science research

We use innovative and high-quality social science-based empirical work and interdisciplinary approaches to support the design of policy.


Catalysing change

We have been actively engaging with conservation practitioners and policy makers to catalyse change.


Capacity building

Our mission is to enhance the capacity and capabilities of Malagasy researchers in applying a wide range of social science and interdisciplinary approaches.


Capacity sharing

We have been providing sharing workshops and field-training courses for practitioners and policy makers on the social issues of environmental policies and programs.


Research themes

Our research themes include forest conservation, landscape restoration, human-wildlife conflicts, land tenure, climate-smart agriculture, social safeguards, migration and rural livelihoods.

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The Mitsilo lab is a research group working on applied conservation, landscape restoration, and development research led by Dr Sarobidy Rakotonarivo

The projects implemented by the Mitsilo research group are hosted by the Laboratoire de Recherches Appliquees (LRA) and the Land Landscape and Development lab (LLandDev) based at the École Supérieure des Sciences Agronomiques at the University of Antananarivo, Madagascar.


Mitsilo is the Malagasy verb for “light the way” and as its name conveys, aims to use the best available scientific and experiential evidence to guide rural development and environmental policies in various African contexts (especially in Madagascar) so they are more effective and more equitable. 

Mitsilo underlying philosophy is to create impact-driven research that puts Indigenous People and Local Communities at the heart environmental programs and policies. 


GOOD QUALITY science-based empirical work

We use good quality social science-based empirical work (including surveys, field experiments, qualitative and mixed methods) and interdisciplinary approaches to research socio-ecological systems and support the design of policies that contribute to the long-term well-being of people and nature.

capacity and capabilities

We also aim to enhance the capacity and capabilities of Malagasy researchers in applying a wide range of social science approaches and provide field-training courses for practitioners and policy makers on the social issues of environmental policies and programs (including social impact evaluation).

New ways to approach

We are also continually seeking new ways to approach and solve problems collaborating with other scholars of different disciplines and nationalities, as well as with non-governmental organisations, practitioners, government agencies and businesses.